Wednesday, November 30, 2016

President Buhari Reluctant About Zahra’s Wedding To Billionaire Indimi

According to Daily Correspondents, President Buhari has expressed a second thought about his daughter, Zahra’s wedding to billionaire Indimi following images of her expensive wedding gifts from her soon-to-be husband.

Read below:
“The wedding ceremony of Zahra, daughter of Nigeria’s president Buhari to son of billionaire businessman, Mohammed Indimi, scheduled for
December 4, 2016, has been put on hold indefinitely, Daily Correspondents can authoritatively reveal.
The postponement, Daily Correspondents learned, was on the insistence of President Muhammadu Buhari, who, according to a source close to the two families, was uncomfortable with the attention his daughter’s wedding has received in the media, particularly with news of customised wedding boxes as gifts to Zahra costing a whopping N44m.
An introduction ceremony between both families had earlier held at the Aso Villa, Abuja on Friday, November 18, but the wedding programme itself scheduled between Wednesday 30th November and Sunday 4th December, 2016, is supposed to be on a low-key celebration as the President desires it to be a simple and an intimate ceremony to be attended by only close family and friends.
“But the whole media attention has changed everything now and the President is not happy,” our source said.
Aside that, it was also gathered that the President who has ordered that a security check be conducted on Ahmed and his source of stupendous wealth, is also not comfortable with the groom’s father, Alhaji Mohammed Indimi’s perceived closeness to ex-President Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida, IBB.
Former President Ibrahim Babangida is believed to be a long time godfather of billionaire Mohammed Indimi, more so the former President was against the emergence of Buhari in 2015.
Our source further said President Buhari who had such information at his disposal before consenting to the marriage may have been prevailed upon by his closest political allies to have a rethink on giving out his daughter to the Indimis.
It is however “very unlikely that President Buhari may give his go ahead for the wedding in the near future,” our source concluded.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Security Agencies May Arrest Me Soon”- Gov Wike Says see more at djskyvirtualdj/

Rivers State governor, Nyesom Wike, yesterday, expressed fear of being arrested by security heads in the state.
Wike, who spoke during special court session marking the opening of the 2016/2017 Legal Year of the state Judiciary in Port Harcourt, said he was afraid to leave Government House due to fear of being arrested by security operatives.
He stated that there was no respect for people in authority in the nation, pointing out that anybody could be arrested and humiliated at anytime.
The governor expressed concern why judges would be intimidated and arrested like common criminals from their homes at odd hours of the night.Wike said: “I was afraid to come out forthis programme when I heard that all the security heads in this state came for the programme.“So, I told my orderly to pack some of my things into a bag that I may not return because they may arrest me from there.“My orderly asked, but you have immunity, I told him that there couldn’t be immunity in Nigeria when people are arrested anyhow. We don’t respect the rule of law. Anybody can be arrested at anytime”, the governor stated.
Speaking further, Wike faulted the anti-corrupt war of the Federal Government saying, “The fight against corruption in the country undermines development. It serves no useful purpose”.
He flayed the Nigerian Judicial Council (NJC) and Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) on their decision supporting the stepping down of the embattled judgesarrested by operatives of Department of State Security (DSS) on alleged corrupt practices.
Wike lamented that, if the two revered legal bodies knew the implications of their decision, the NJC and NBA would have thought twice.The governor said it was unfortunate and dangerous because lawyers had played into the hands of politicians, which would later be used against the former.
Earlier in her speech, the Chief Judge of the State, Justice Adama Iyayi-Lamikanra, thanked the governor for his commitment in repositioning the judicial system in the state.
Justice Lamikanra said there has been regular release of funds to the judiciaryby the state government even without request, adding that the governor had rescued the judiciary workers from the current economic recession.
She disclosed that the judiciary had remitted N367, 000,000 to the state account in the last legal year.Lamikanra further confirmed the approval of two Judges by National Judicial Council and they would be sworn in next week Monday

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Leaked S3x Tape: The Organisers Made Me Do the Sex Tape – Former Miss Anambra Finally Opens Up - See more at:

miss-anambra-15-chidinma-okekeFormer Miss Anambra, Chidinma Okeke, has revealed the reasons behind her involvement in the sex video and why it was released. The 20-year-old was seen in a sex video with a lesbian partner in a video released few days before the expiration of her tenure. The beauty queen who was nowhere to be found after the release of the video, prompting her father to raise an alarm, has come out to tell her side of the story. In a chat with The Nation, Chidinma said the organizers of the beauty pageant were responsible for the release of the video. She also said those who were threatening her had stopped. - See more at: said, “Early last year, the ABS advertised for the Miss Anambra beauty pageant. I heard of it and went to make enquiry. “My roommate was also interested, but one of the organisers told me to apply. I told them I was not interested but the man insisted that I might win the competition. He also promised to give me the form for free if I indicated interest, and he did when I agreed to contest. “But one Jane told me that before a winner would be declared, there were certain things to be done, including the (sex) video. I consented after some persuasion from the organisers. I later went for the contest at the Marble Arch Hotels in Awka, and I was declared winner with a Kia Rio vehicle as star prize. “When I went for my car after the contest, the organisers brought out a contract form for me to sign, but I told them I wanted to contact my lawyer to see it. I was not given the opportunity to do so. “What they kept telling me was that if I insisted on not signing the contract or wanted to contact my lawyer, they would release the video. “At that point, I became uncomfortable and signed the contract to avoid such embarrassment, and the car was released to me from where it was packed within the premises of ABS. “From that moment, I became a slave to them. On October 11, 2016, they called me to come and make presentations inside the office of one the organisers. After that, the man excused some people in that room and showed me the video again. “They told me to drop my car and removed my crown from me. I told them I would take the car as stipulated in the contract. They insisted I should pack it in the premises of (ABS). “I told my uncle in Abuja about the situation. My uncle called them and asked them to release my car to me. Instead, they forwarded the video to him as part of the blackmail. That was what happened,” Chidinma said, crying. - See more at:

Friday, November 11, 2016

You Won’t Believe The Gift An Old Woman Gave Buhari As He Visit Benin (Find Out - See more at:

goatPresident Muhammadu Buhari got a unique gift of a goat during his just-concluded two-day official visit to Edo State. The goat was said to have been presented to Buhari by an elderly lady, Egbon Grace, who is a member of the All Progressives Congress in Ward 7, Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. A government official told journalists on the condition of anonymity on Wednesday that the lady said she had longed to meet the President to show her admiration for “his selfless lifestyle and passion to liberate the masses.” The official said opportunity came for the lady on Monday when Buhari inaugurated the ultra-modern Samuel Ogbemudia College in Benin City. “Lady Grace braced the odds and came all the way with her surprise gift to Mr. President which she had kept in waiting for the special occasion. “She tore through the thick crowd, making her way straight to the President who at the time had finished the official engagement and was heading for his waiting car. “Many in the crowd got emotional seeing the elderly lady pull through the crowd with the goat, determined to make a presentation to the President,” the source said. The source added that Governor Adams Oshiomhole who noticed the security cordon between the lady and the President, alighted from the President’s convoy to receive the goat on behalf of the President. He said Grace later had an opportunity to interact briefly with Buhari and the Governor. She was said to have thanked the President for accepting the gift which was handed over to protocol officials. In his remarks on behalf of the President, Oshiomhole commended Grace for her kind gesture - See more at:

EFCC To Arraign Fani Kayode This Morning see more at http/

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC today, November 10, 2016 will arraign Chief Femi Fani-Kayode for allegedly receiving N26m from the Office of the National Security Adviser.
Some fresh money laundering charges were last month filed against him by the EFCC before the Federal High Court sitting in Abuja.
Fani-Kayode is the sole defendant in the fresh charges. The EFCC in the fresh case filed five counts in which it accused the defendant of diverting N26m allegedly received from the ONSA while Sambo Dasuki was in office

I Will Work With Donald Trump — President Buhari see more at http/

President Muhammadu Buhari has congratulated the President-Elect of the United States of America, Mr. Donald Trump on his victory at the polls.
The president also congratulated US citizens on the outcome of the election.
In a statement by presidential spokesman, Mr. Femi Adesina, president Buhari stated that he looked forward to working with Trump in many areas which included cooperation on many shared foreign policy priorities, such as the fight against terrorism, peace and security, economic growth, democracy and good governance.
“On behalf of the Government and people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari congratulates President-elect Donald Trump on his victory in the United States presidential election.
“President Buhari also congratulates American citizens on the outcome of the election, which was keenly observed by all true lovers of democracy and those who believe in the will of the people.
“The President looks forward to working together with President-elect Trump to strengthen the already established friendly relations between both countries, including cooperation on many shared foreign policy priorities, such as the fight against terrorism, peace and security, economic growth, democracy and good governance.
“As Mr Trump prepares to assume the position of the President of the United States, President Buhari extends his good wishes to him on the onerous task of leading the world’s strongest economy

Too Much Road Accidents: Dangote Group Conducts Psychological Test On Drivers - See more at:

Dangote Group said it has commenced psychological testing on tdangote-truckruck drivers in its fleet to check their recklessness on the highway. The Executive Director, Stakeholders Management and Corporate Communication, Dangote Group, Mansur Ahmad told Reporters in Kano. He said that the steps was designed to ascertained the level of their mental alertness to enable them meet the challenges. “We are worried by the negative report from the field and as responsible corporate organization, we cannot watch while the situation deteriorates and we are trying our best to control the situation,” Mansur Ahmad. Against this backdrop, Dangote group announced its partnering with the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) to track activities of its truck drivers across Nigerian highways. He said that this was part of the conscious effort to rebuild the image of truck drivers whose activities on major highways across the country gained notoriety in recent past. The Executive Director, Stakeholders Management and Corporate Communication, Dangote Group, Mansur Ahmad explained that “we are disturbed by the negative trend and has evolved proactive steps to halt it” Ahmad stated that “truck drivers are too difficult to manage, and in recent past we tried a partnership that promotes ownership with them that failed” The Executive Director, Stakeholders Management and Corporate Communication revealed that “we have over 7,000 trucks, you would agree that tracking and monitoring their activities is a huge job and that’s why we are partnering with Federal Road Safety Commission”. Commenting on the Dangote Tomato paste in Kano, the Director General disclosed that ” we have struck a deal with out growers within the locality for uninterrupted supply of fresh tomatoes. Ahmad said ” we on our part provide an improved seedlings to the out growers to meet specifications and standards - See more at:

Woman Arrested For Giving Fake Prophecies And Defrauding Bank Customers

A woman, Biola Simon, has been arrested by the police in Lagos State for allegedly defrauding bank customers after giving them fake prophecies in the Dopemu area. It was learnt that Simon, who came from Ibadan, Oyo State, was arrested on Thursday by the Dopemu Police Division, after one of her victims reported her to the police.
Read according to Punch:
While the suspect was arrested, it was learnt that other suspected accomplices fled. Our correspondent gathered that a sum of N150,000, which the woman had allegedly swindled out from her victim, was recovered by the policemen after the arrest.
A police source at the Dopemu division said Simon belonged to a four-member syndicate that specialised in defrauding unsuspecting bank customers in the area through fake prophecies. He said, “In her statement, she confessed that the syndicate’s mode of operation was to lurk around bank premises, while her role was to accost a bank customer suspected to be with money.
“The suspect explained that she would pretend that she was new in Lagos and asked for direction from the victim. Simon would subsequently make shocking spiritual revelations about her victim, after which she would advise that a special prayer must be offered for the victim.
“The next move was to take the victim to a nearby place where the three other accomplices were waiting and they would replace the money withdrawn by the victim with disposable papers, covered with a few naira notes.
“A man who the suspect tried to swindle on Thursday of N150,000 raised the alarm, and a police patrol team in the area apprehended Simon.” A witness, Rafiu Jimoh, said the policemen had returned the money to the victim.
He said, “The woman dressed responsibly, but she usually begged targeted customers coming out of the bank to direct her to an address. She is believed to use magical powers, as she will thereafter start giving revelations about her victim, luring the person to go for prayers with her.
“While the purported prayer is going on by the syndicate, the contents of the victim’s bag or purse will be replaced with papers covered with a few real notes. They will thereafter disappear with the money. “The woman was arrested on Thursday by a police patrol team, but the three others escaped in a car. The stolen N150,000 was recovered and returned to the victim.”
The Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, SP Dolapo Badmos, confirmed Simon’s arrest. “The state Commissioner of Police, Fatai Owoseni, has directed that the suspect be charged to court,” she added

UPDATE: Man Who Stole Pot Soup To Feed Himself And Children Blames It On Economic

A vigilante group in Igbogene Vigilance Committee in Yenagoa Local Government Area of the state recently arrested a father of two for stealing a pot of soup, 12 wraps of fufu and a half basin of garri flour.
The man identified as Kaduna Enatimi was paraded publicly to serve as lesson for others.
Enatimi has however confessed that hunger and economic hardship led him to steal the pot of soup and the other food items.
The Head of the Igbogene Vigilance Committee, Chief MoneySweet Asomo noted that the man claimed that hunger and economic hardship pushed him into stealing the items to enable him to feed himself and his family.
It was also learnt that after parading the suspect round the village, he was released and asked to sin no more

Finally!! Adams Oshiomhole Steps Down As Acting Governor

President Muhammadu Buhari has said the APC might find another appointment for Adams Oshiomhole, the outgoing governor of Edo state.
The outgoing governor of Edo state, Adams Oshiomhole, will today hand over power to governor-elect Godwin Obaseki.
Though, the handover will be taking place today, November 11, Obaseki and his deputy, Philip Shaibu, will be sworn in on Saturday, November 12, at the Dr. Samuel Ogbemudia Stadium in Benin, the state capital, by the Chief Judge (CJ), Justice Cromwell Idahosa, The Nation reports.
At the inauguration of the Edo University at Iyamho, Oshiomhole said he would hand over today.
The outgoing governor said God had answered his prayers to finish well and strong.
Meanwhile, President Muhammadu Buhari has suggested that the APC might find another appointment for the outgoing governor of Edo state.
Buhari, during his during his two-day working visit to Benin City on November 7, Monday said would result to wasting Oshiomole’s energy if he was allowed to leave politics shortly after his tenure as a state governor.
Similarly, a chieftain of the APC in Delta state has recommended the outgoing of Edo state governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, to replace the party’s national chairman, John Odigie- Oyegun.
Chief Ovie Onoriode, according to Vanguard said Oshiomhole’s leadership will help the party emerge stronger from its current internal crises.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

A 49-year old notorious car thief that specialized in drugging his victims before stealing their vehicles within Abuja, Benue and Kogi States, has been arrested by operatives of the Inspector- General of Police Special Intelligence Response team

suspectA 49-year old notorious car thief that specialized in drugging his victims before stealing their vehicles within Abuja, Benue and Kogi States, has been arrested by operatives of the Inspector- General of Police Special Intelligence Response team.
Crime Alert gathered that eight vehicles suspected to have been stolen from his victims have been recovered from the suspect who is currently being detained at the Force Headquarters, Abuja.
The suspect confessed that he drugged his victims with tea and biscuit before robbing their cars.
Police sources disclosed that a victim, whose vehicle was robbed by the suspect in Abuja, gave him out and he was trailed to his home town in Otukpo, Benue State, where he was discovered to own a car stand.
According to the suspect; “I am Garuba Ibrahim, 49. I am from Otukpo area of Benue State. I am married with four children. I deal on fairly used shoes and I buy my shoes from Jos, Plateau State but in the year 2013, I went into selling cars. I used to go to Cotonou through Birini-Kebbi, but when my father died, I was asked to come home. When I got there, the elders told me that my father said I should stay at home before he died. Before that, there was an arraignment I had with my sister that if I should stay at home, they will pay me N100, 000 monthly.
I stayed until 2015, the money stopped coming. Then, I was into farming of kola nut, maize and I harvested it. I made over N330, 000. I gave my family N50, 000, and I took the rest to Birini Kebbi where I went into car business.
As soon as I went into the business, I started making huge profits from it. I was into buying and selling of vehicles. Then one day, I took a vehicle from Makurdi to Gboko and offered the driver food. I bought Semovita and soup and drugged it without the driver’s knowledge. We then drove to the secretariat and he started eating. As soon as he tasted the food, he started feeling dizzy. I brought his floor mat and he slept on it. Before then, I asked him to give me his car key to scratch my ear which he willingly obliged. I then drove the car, a Golf 3 station wagon, down to Otukpo and gave it to a man they call Chiama. I sold it to him for N500, 000.
Fourteen days later, I travelled to Abuja and took a cab to Sheraton hotel. When we got there, I paid him and asked that he should wait for me. I went to the swimming pool, sat down there and when I got out, I asked him to take me to another hotel. When we got there, I paid for a room and we went inside. Then we decided to get something to eat. After that, he bought bread and I bought some other items. When we went back to the hotel and we were about eating, I bought a packet of biscuit and cleverly drugged it. I also bought a bottle of beer and offered him one of the drugged slices of biscuit and he ate it. Thirty minutes later, he slept off. I took the key to the car, a Toyota Picnic and drove off.
I took the car to Kano and sold it to one Abdulraman for N600, 000. I found two phones in the car and gave one to my mother in-law and a sister to my wife. The man who taught me the trick of drugging my victim is Ibrahim Dogo from Sokoto state


Nigerian music legend Tuface Idibia has revealed the key factors to2face-nl being a successful musician, the saddest and happiest moments of his career, Plantashun Boiz and future plans.
“My saddest moment was when they were writing things about me some years ago while I was celebrating the kids coming. Some people were using it against me, and saying some hurtful things to put me down. Another sad moment was when I lost my dad. All of a sudden I realised that this man who used to carry us on his shoulders and take us out for shopping and all that was going to die. Although, I tried all I could but I couldn’t help him, and he died. I cried like a baby,”
Just like he has had his sad moments, the ‘African Queen’ crooner and father of six has also had his happiest moments.
“There are so many first moments I could describe as my happiest. For me, it has been a string of firsts, and I am glad that I am a pioneer. Officially, I was the first artiste to be endorsed by a very big company and that was a very happy moment for me. I was the first to be declared by a big record label as the first artiste to sell above a million copies. I was the first to be on the popular Billboard charts.
I was also the first Nigerian artiste to have his music played on MTV Base Africa. In fact, the list is endless; and my kids are huge sources of inspiration for me, even though, when they were coming and I was rejoicing that I was going to be a dad, some people were complaining; thanks to their mums and my wife.”
He identified humility, respect for people, talent and belief in oneself as key factors to being a successful musician.
“The number one factor to success is that you have to be ready mentally, physically, spiritually and every other ‘ally’. You have to be ready to face challenges.
Number two is respect. You must respect people because people are the backbones of your success and failure. Respect your fans and the people that contributed in one way or the other to your career, because there is no artiste that can come out and say he or she is an island. You must have some level of humility as well. It’s not necessary that you greet everybody you see on the road; but you have to know that since you have put yourself out there, you must be humble. And finally, you need to have talent; talent is key because it is the foundation on which you will build your career as a musician.”
Speaking further, Tuface says his dream has always been to sing, and while growing up, he listened to the likes of Bob Marley and Fela Anikulapo-Kuti. However, in 1997, after he relocated to Lagos with Blackface and they founded the Plantashun Boiz, he made up his mind to make a career out of singing. Recalling how he has handled success over the years, Tuface said.
“You know, there is this thing about life. If you have been planning and aiming for something, you wouldn’t be so surprised when you eventually get to that place. Like when I started music as a career, there was an intention to go all the way but the speed, magnitude and stardom that came with success was overwhelming at one point. And that was because when we were planning this, we never knew it will get this big, so we just had to re-adjust to the new level on ground. So, for me, I will say that I worked towards it. So, when it started happening, I wasn’t so surprised.”
Tuface has sold millions of records, won numerous awards and is indeed a music icon not just in Nigeria but also across the continent. Asked if he misses the Plantashun Boiz 12 years after the group broke up? he said:
“You know that once in a while you feel that way and nostalgia just overwhelms you and you are like ‘wow!’ It was really fun those days hanging out with Faze and Blackface, singing together, cracking jokes and living together in the hotel, and all the funny things we did. We have some plans to still do stuff, but right now, we haven’t fixed a particular date or anything concrete.”
The Benue-born musician said he has no regrets.
“I am not somebody that likes to regret. I feel that whatever that happens has happened. The only thing I think of is how to blend and turn things positively. I don’t just sit down; fold my hands and start regretting. Instead, I re-adjust and move on.”
Despite his success, Tuface says he is not yet fulfilled:
“I am somewhere now but not exactly the place and position I want to be. I still want to go far. I am still hungry to achieve other things as a business man and not just a musician”



Monday, November 7, 2016

You Have No Brains, No Sense" - Amosun Tells Aggrieved Ogun Workers

You Have No Brains, No Sense" - Amosun Tells Aggrieved Ogun Workers
Ogun State Governor, Ibikunle Amosu yesterday lashed out at aggrieved workers of the state civil service who have threatened to go on strike over unpaid allowances and wages.

At a town hall meeting organised by the Ministry of Budget and Planning at June 12 Cultural Centre, Abeokuta, insisted he would not succumb to the demands of the workers.

According to him, it is insensitive of the workers to be threatening to go on strike even when the economic recession is biting hard on all states.

"We all know this, yet some are not using their brains. They don’t have brains and they don’t know what they are doing. They don’t have sense. I cannot give what I don’t have. Teachers alone collect N2 billion monthly. If you want to join politics go and resign, you can then become card carrying member of political parties, you can start printing posters if you want to contest” He

Sunday, November 6, 2016


» Rivers PDP accuses APC, Abe of plots to print fake INEC result sheets (Video)
Rivers PDP accuses APC, Abe of plots to print fake INEC result sheets (Video)

Rivers PDP accuses APC, Abe of plots to print fake INEC result sheets (Video)

Rivers State Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has accused the All Progressives Congress (APC) and Mr Magnus Abe of printing fake Independent National Electoral Commission’s (INEC’s) result sheet to rig the coming rerun polls in the state.
This is coming after police in the state were said to have, on tip off by a concerned citizen, besieged a printing press, Help-Mate Consult, located at 12 Isiokpo Street D-Line Port Harcourt, printing fake result sheets for seven local government areas of the Rivers south-east, for the purpose of December 10 rerun election as announced by INEC.
During the raid, Mr Magnus Abe, the Rivers South-East APC candidate for the rerun elections was allegedly arrested along with Director of Help-Mate Consult, Atonye Peters, said to be a notable member of the APC from Opobo/Nkoro Local Government Area and three of his staff, Richard Koko from Okrika, Nanee Godday from Khana and Tammy Garrick.
Atonye Peters had claimed in the video that the printing contract was awarded to him by Mr Emma Chinda, an APC leader and former Commissioner for Agriculture under Rotimi Amaechi. And the printing press were said to have already finished two sets for two local government areas before the police got wind of the illegal act.
Items recovered by the police at the printing press include State-of-the-art Printing Machine, computers, INEC Result Sheets Serial Number Booklets, which the printer used to authenticate the result sheets.
While Rivers State police are yet to make an official statement on the event, however, the Chairman Inter-Party Advisory Council (IPAC), Felix Obuah, in an interview with newsmen, said the arrest of the fake printers of rerun elections result sheets has vindicated the body on the plan by INEC and APC to rig the forthcoming rerun elections.
In its reaction, the state APC described the police action as a fake operation staged by PDP thugs to indict the party.
Rivers State APC Publicity Secretary, Mr. Chris Finebone, said in a statement, “A few days after the INEC announced that the Rivers re-run elections have been fixed for December 10, the governor of Rivers State, Nyesom Wike and the PDP have used thugs to stage what they call ‘busting of a fake result sheets printing syndicate in Port Harcourt’ said to be operated by a purported APC chieftain.
Read also: N’DELTA: Tension as distrust for Buhari pushes militants to gear up for war
“The Rivers State chapter of APC, wishes to state that no APC person, chieftain or ordinary member, was involved in any of the purported actions as alleged by Gov. Wike and the PDP assuming without conceding that any such development took place.”
Meanwhile, INEC has called for detailed investigation into the fake result sheet production in Port Harcourt, Rivers.
The Chief Press Secretary to INEC Chairman, Mr Rotimi Oyekanmi, made this call in an interview on Sunday in Abuja. He urged the security agencies handling the matter to make sure that those allegedly involved, both those already arrested in connection with the matter, and their paymasters are prosecuted.
He said, “The commission has heard the news about the arrest of nine people with fake result sheets in Port Harcourt. INEC wants to appeal to security agencies that the culprits should not just be arrested, they and their sponsors should be prosecuted.”

RipplesNigeria …without borders, without f

Friday, November 4, 2016


Soyinka to ‘cut’ U.S. Green card if Trump wins

Soyinka to ‘cut’ U.S.  Green card if Trump wins
Wole Soyinka
Nobel Laureate Prof. Wole Soyinka has said he will destroy his green card if Donald Trump emerges as winner of Tuesday’s United States (U.S.) presidential election.
The green card is a permanent residence permit for the U.S. – prized by many African immigrants to the U.S.
His comments emerged in the video of a conversation with students at Oxford University in the UK.
The famous author appears to be taking a swipe at Trump over his radical stance on immigration.
American voters go to the polls on Tuesday and latest polls show the two candidates are neck and neck.

Trump is famous for his promise to build a wall to keep Mexican immigrants out of the U.S. if he makes it to the White House.
Under his hardline proposals, every illegal immigrant currently in the U.S. would be subjected to deportation if he wins the election.
He said there will be no pathway to citizenship or even legal status for them unless they leave the country and get in line with everyone else who wants to enter the U.S., subject to the normal immigration procedures.
Soyinka said he feared the Republic candidate would ask all green-card holders to reapply to come back into the U.S.
“Well, I’m not waiting for that,” the Nigerian author told his student audience.
“The moment they announce his (Trump’s) victory, I will cut my green card myself and start packing up,” he added.


Angelina Jolie Meets with FBI Investigators

Posted Wednesday October 19, 2016 6:06 PM GMT
Angelina Jolie and her children met with FBI agents on Tuesday (October 18) to discuss allegations of child abuse against her estranged husband Brad Pitt.
The Wanted beauty filed for divorce on September 19, 2016, seeking to end her two-year marriage to Pitt for the "health of the family", according to her attorney, Robert Offer.
It subsequently emerged the actors had reportedly clashed over Pitt's style of parenting following an incident with 15-year-old son Maddox on a private plane trip from France to Los Angeles on September 14th. The claims prompted officials from both the FBI and the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to launch an investigation into allegations of child abuse.
On Tuesday, two FBI agents paid a visit to Jolie's home in Malibu, California, where they spent more than three hours interviewing the actress and her brood about the alleged plane dispute, according to TMZ.
The meeting, during which the Jolie-Pitt clan was asked to recall the incident step-by-step, was reportedly held to help officials determine whether the accusations warrant a full investigation.
Jolie currently has full physical custody of the kids, as agreed in a temporary deal last month, although Pitt has been granted visitation.
He has reportedly enjoyed two visits with their children to date.
As part of the custody deal, which will be reviewed by DCFS representatives later this month, both stars will undergo individual counseling, in addition to family sessions with their offspring, while the Inglourious Basterds actor will also submit to random drug and alcohol tests. He recently volunteered for a similar test, which reportedly came back negative.